Day 41: Mile 517.6 - 534.9
So there was this grand plan. After Hikertown, the PCT crosses the Mojave desert (at least I think it's the Mojave desert), walking along the LA Aqueduct (I do know it's the LA Aqueduct) for a spell before turning east and heading towards the wind farms. Over this stretch, the trail is notoriously hot and exposed, and many people thus opt to do this section in the cooler parts of the day: either early early in the morning, or late late at night. So that's the first thing: people hike this portion at night. Now it turns out the night of May 25th, leading into the morning of May 26th, was a "supermoon": the brightest full moon of the year. Furthermore, it turns out this particular supermoon would be experiencing a total lunar eclipse that would be visible from California. So that's the second thing: the opportunity to experience a celestial phenomenon. Michael Be--who actually throws full-moon parties in his normal life--had noted the convergence of these two e...